Another Naked Sleepwalker last night (female).
A Pilot one of the aircrew that are currently checked in found her wandering around the hall, Retrieved a blanket from his room covered her and her naughty bits up then called through to front desk.
The aftermath is one very embarrassed lady, She has checked out already.
Thankfully The Pilot that found her handled the situation is a professional manner.
Now that reminds me of the “Dirty Hotel Room”, I mentioned in my earlier post.
At the time Hubby was looking after a city hotel in Australia, Airline crew (from a very well known airline) had checked in for the night.
After the aircrew had checked out the following day, An issue arose with a housekeeper refusing to clean one of the vacated rooms. A flurry of activity and discussions went down between cleaners, head housekeepers, supervisors, onto “Joe” the house keeping manager and eventually to Hubby.
“Um we have a problem with one of the Pilots rooms” Joe advised Hubby.
A brief and very vague description of the issue, left hubby intrigued & also a little annoyed that the supervisor & housekeeping manager were unable to resolve an issue of a housekeeper refusing to clean a “dirty room” after all it was occupied by a Pilot & he had stayed there for less than 24 hours.
How bad could it be?
So off hubby went with Joe in tow to check it out for himself.
At the room, Joe swipes the access card into the card reader, hears the click of the lock, swings the door wide open and……
The first thing that hits Hubby is the stench,
Then the sight of what can politely be described as a pilots abstract expressionist art using feces as a medium and 4 walls as a canvas Or to put it bluntly there was SHIT EVERYWHERE, It was smeared all over the walls as well as the sheets, floor, lamps, sides tables, t.v, just about everything he could hit !!
Immediately Hubby made his retreat back to the confines of his office and booked “ABC Cleaning Co” a specialist cleaning company that was able (willing) to disinfect, sanitize and deodorize the room to remove all traces of the Pilots art works.
“ABC Cleaning Co” turn up to begin the job & guess what? Not even the ABC cleaners with their hazmat suites on would touch the room, It was THAT BAD !!! Perhaps the Pilot had a curry feed and a few beers the night before?
ABC cleaners were sent back to the cleaners (hehehe). Leaving Hubby to come up with “Plan B”. So as we all know Money Talks and Hubby dangled that carrot in front of his housekeeping staff until finally a few accepted the offer of the extra cash to venture into the “Poop Shoot Den” and clean it up.
An official complaint was sent to the airline along with an invoice for cleaning the room.
As for the Pilot? Who Knows, Perhaps he is still flying the friendly skies.