This event happened back in April and was one of the reasons for starting this blog as after relaying the story to friends, they commented that I should keep a journal of daily life here.
Here goes,
One Sunday, My Husband's only day off during the
week. He and I decided to do a spot of fishing, I
don't particularly like fishing I enjoy getting out on the open waters for a few hours for a change of scenery .
We had a great half days fishing expedition, headed out for a long
boozy lunch then it was off to a bar to watch the F1 (We are huge F1 fans.)
Fast forward to Monday, Husband comes home from work & first thing out of his mouth is "You would never believe what happened yesterday". Husband has been in the game for over 15 years and I thought had seen it all. So hearing him utter that phrase, instantly he had my attention and I'm thinking "This ought to be good."
Turns out while we were enjoying an eventful Sunday so was one of the housekeepers, we'll call her "Sue".
Sue unknown to us at the time, has a
history of mental illness (note: In S.E Asia there is not a very thorough understanding of mental illness amongst the general public. People are referred to as "Crazy" or "Not Crazy") Sue is one of the "Crazy" ones.
Anyway Sue had a turn while at work,
initially she "fainted" and was passed out for around an hour, She came to, Jumped up and ran at full speed into a door, went down for the count (again), not before managing to bust up the door, it had a huge dent in it and was taken off a hinge.
On hearing this I'm thinking WTF?!?!? How is this scenario even possible in a work place?!?! OH&S anyone ?!?!
But wait there is more to the story,
The housekeeping supervisor in all her wisdom decided to leave Sue when she initially fainted, I guess in her expert medical opinion a Doctor was not necessary.
Upon Sue awakening and having her up close & personal encounter with the door, The supervisor then decided (medical) attention was required.
So naturally a call is placed to the local Muslim holy man to come & preform an exorcism on poor "possessed" Sue.
The events of Sunday had all been relayed by the weekend duty manager report during morning briefing, Husband then had to call an emergency meeting with all department heads to educate them on the dangers of believing in this supernatural nonsense. Then an "emergency" first aid refresher course was scheduled to begin the following week.
Sue was placed on sick leave and husband was left trying to figure out who to bill for the broken door. Sue, Satan or charge it out as a maintence expense.
Seeing as I can't post pics of any one involved in the event, Here's my attempted shot of Ferrari (No idea if its Kimi or Massa) at Sepang, Malaysia.