The new GM was set to start here on the 28th July,
I've been plodding away at my charity thing trying to get that set up & running, ready to hand over by the time we are set to depart, At the close of June hubby was pleased that he wouldn't have to do any more month end reporting for the Hotel as "the new GM is coming in".
Well yesterday the New GM was chatting to Hubby, She casually advised her start date was in fact mid August, not the end of July as we understood it to be.
Hubby informed her that, the new date was news to him & asked if the date was 100% confirmed.
She replied "Not Sure, I haven't even received my contract yet"
Great, so fuming hubby sent a curt email to head office, 5 mins later receives a quick call from HR to say "Received the email, will call with details in 40 mins"
Pissed off Hubby switches off phone.
Fast forward to this morning, after a lot of ass kissing on HR's side and a few phone calls.
Turns out, YES indeed New GM's start date is delayed by approximately 2 weeks.
Why? New GM currently holds the position of 2IC at a sister property in Thailand, The Pres (yup, Bush himself) has decided to stay at that Hotel during an impending trip to Thailand, So it's all hands on deck there in preparation for his arrival !
I questioned why The Pres & his crew wanted to stay at that particular Hotel, I was curious as it's doesn't have a 5 star rating & I personally like to stay at the Shangri-la when I'm out that way. Seems that secret service was out on a recon mission recently and this particular hotel is the only one that meets security requirements & has an approved escape route i.e The hotel sits at an intersection so if the proverbial hits the fan and Pressy needs to abscond he can have 4 different escape routes as opposed to possibly being stuck in one way traffic if he stays at the other hotel.
Oh well, 35 days to go & counting ....