I've been so busy this past week, I spent a few days in Singapore for the famous "Great Singapore Sale" caught up with a few friends while there and had family fly in from Oz . So I have been playing tour guide for the last few days as well.
Yesterday I took my Mum & Sis to a Snake Temple to have their photos taken with a couple of Pythons & Vipers. While I was snapping pics for them I felt tiny clammy little hands wrap around my ankle, Then tiny little teeth start chomping on my leg, I looked down and saw a monkey gnawing at my leg !! So I shook him off and continued to snap away, Luckily he didn't break the skin so no need for a rabies or tetanus jab.
Today we've had heavy rainfall most of the morning and the hotel is leaking like a sieve so husband is stuck dealing with a bunch of guests complaints, he is not a happy chappy right now.