Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Raffles Place Ghost

Garrghhh !!!

I Think I'm coming down with the flu & I feel awful so apologies if this post ends up making no sense at all.

There is currently a video doing rounds on email titled "The Raffles Place Ghost"

The video was created by a HR & Recruitment company called GMP as part of a "work/life balance" campaign Meaning: IT'S A HOAX PEOPLE.

Also I might add Raffles is a very prestigious building in Singapore consisting of a Hotel, Shops and the famous "Long bar" (birth place of the Singapore Sling).

1. All Hotels & Resorts my husband has ever worked in have reputedly been haunted.
2. The Ghost stories usually stem from a housekeeper on the night shift catching sight of a shadow out of the corner of his/her eye.
3. Housekeeper shares the story with co workers and like Chinese whispers the story under goes some embellishments and with in a week we have a fully fledged "Haunting" happening.

Ghost Story 1.1

Background info:
The last Resort we lived at was built next door to a casino, occupancy was high, The town was bustling and there was a lot of money thrown around.

One particular night a man with a gambling addiction gambled away all his money, Depression & alcohol got the better of him and he jumped from a 10th story balcony at the Hotel ending his life with a splat.

Not long after a change of government took place. A pro Islamic party came into power and the Casino was shut down, Almost over night the town became a ghost town (excuse the pun). The Resort managed to remain open despite the loss of revenue from the lack of gamblers as it had an international award winning spa plus there was enough business around town to ensure a steady flow of out of town business men checking in during the week.

The Casino had been operational for 3 years before closing, Hubby took a GM position at the Resort 4 years later.

Our Spa girls first reported seeing the "Ghost" hanging around the spa therapy villas at night. Quite a few of the girls reported seeing him & this started to impact their work as many were to scared to remain in the villas after dark.

Hubby approved for a priest/witch doctor to come in to do a blessing on the grounds although he doesn't believe in the paranormal, As he likes to address the concerns of his staff & keep them happy.

On this occasion the blessing was successful and no more Ghost was seen hanging about, I personally never had an experience with him although I did see a chair move once on its own on the same 10th storey floor as the jumper. I don't really believe in Ghosts so I'm quick to rationalize what I saw as being due to exhaustion or one to many vodka tonics :)

I know the story wasn't very scary, It's just that the "Raffles Place" video reminded me of it.
We did have another bizarre "paranormal" incident occur recently at the hotel I am currently at but it is more funny than scary, I'll post that one later when I get over this flu.